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Hillside Animal Hospital

Hospital Manager


Kate, Practice Manager

Hospital Manager


Where did I grow up? I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. My parents are originally from Michigan, so I still have a lot of family there and I love to go back to Michigan to visit.

If I could be any animal I would be: A raven. They are extremely smart, they can talk, and it would be an amazing experience to fly.

Best way to spend a Saturday: Relaxing at home and catching up on TV while hanging out with my dogs and bird, Spirit, Spice, Maple and Tinkerbell.

Which superhuman power would you choose? I would choose the ability to communicate with animals. I already talk to them all of the time, but I would love for them to talk back to me!

Favorite part of working with animals? I like getting to know all of their unique personalities. I have been fortunate to meet a lot of fabulous pets during my time in the veterinary field and I have enjoyed working with them and their parents.